God is releasing ingenious strategy for provision at this time
Deb Peacock
I had a dream where I was speaking about giving in our church and I began to pray for us all that the ingenious strategy for funding would come. I saw that everyone was connected together and realised God was saying we were to all be a part of the ingenious strategy for funding for something else. While we had our own needs for funding, we could also be contributing into another need. For this is how it works with the Lord - while we have needs that is orchestrating provision for, we still have much to be offering out.
As I shared this with our church this morning, someone shared with me their reading yesterday from Exodus 35 which talks of ingenious design. Here, it says that those filled with the breath of God could work with ingenious design. We can contribute to something of ingenious design!
This is not a one or the other word - you might be needing funding and provision that is of ingenious design and God is bringing it AND he is wanting you to have the joy of being a part of the ingenious strategy for provision for others as well!
What is God asking you to offer elsewhere that will go towards an incredible provision for someone else? Thank him for the ingenious strategy of provision in your own life in advance today.