The time is coming for you to run wild and free

Deb Peacock

You’re a pioneer at heart and so keen for the more you sense you are meant to move into, a hearts desire to run like the wind free and fast. But with what is happening around you, you’re feeling frustrated and despondent over the recent setbacks that only seem to repeat themselves again and again. So many limitations, restrictions and red tape on you and you can’t seem to get a break and make a run for it.

While your attention is being caught up in the restrictions and lack, being overlooked or dismissed, the Lord has truth for you and it is so very different to what you see all around.

If you can picture a stallion or a mustang horse in a small field with its owner, this is like you and the Lord. He is there with you and it is just him and you in the picture of your life and where you will go. He as your keeper is calmly and lovingly working with you, not to break you but to love you into the safety and dependability of him. He is teaching you who he is and that you can trust him and that he will show you another way, a better way for life.

He responds in love and care with calm every time you balk or buck, flinch or hesitate. He is patient and he is consistent demonstrating his trustworthy presence and that he is dependent. In this frustrating time that feels repetitious he holds steady for you, committed to you to see you through to a better way. He is not going to harm you, he is going transform you into the stronger and more steadfast person you know you are.

Then, at the right time that is best for you he is going to open the gate and it will be your time run wild and free. It won’t be a reckless run because you will have so much more direction and self discipline added to your determination. It will be a charging run with a mission. Your mission impossible will now be mission possible. And as you run you will see the Lord is with you every step of the way and no one will dare come against him and his plans, for the Lord is mighty and powerful and his plans in you, for you and through you will prevail.

… read Isaiah 48 and Isaiah 50, blessings


Don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel anymore


For Business: The Lord wants to strengthen your business so that it sits like a strong tower on the land